Black Test Car
While Ford vs. Ferrari provided a slick, entertaining view into the cutthroat tendencies of the auto industry, director Yasuza Masumura's 1962 film Black Test Car is an ugly indictment of capitalism at its worst as two rival car companies compete to rush their sports model to market, sabotaging the other at any physical, financial and moral cost. An industrial espionage thriller with shades of classic film noir, Black Test Car is wonderfully stylized, pitch black in tone, and shocking in its portrayal of yakuza brutality by its "salaryman" characters, all of whom are complicit in their corporate crimes. From bribes to beatings to sabotage, company success is portrayed as a sort of madness that leaks into every aspect of daily life. Even our ostensible hero winds up pimping out his own fiancé, played with femme fatale appeal by Junko Kano. It's all played with the same sort of scandalous cynicism as...