Checkered Ninja
Within the first five minutes of Checkered Ninja (2018), a Danish computer-animated film that combines the style of Pixar with the attitude of Adult Swim, a child working in a Thai sweatshop is viciously beaten death with a stick. The doll he was making comes to life and swears vengeance against the foreign toy tycoon is committed the crime. So….yeah… Toy Story it’s not . A huge hit in its native country, director Anders Matthesen’s film is a bit of a hard sell in North America, where animated films fall into two categories: family-friendly or NSFW. Checkered Ninja straddles the line between both, adding plenty of crude language into the usual mix of fart jokes and groin hits. It’s a distinctly odd experience, since the obvious target audience is pre-teens who should identify with its relatable protagonist, Alex, a 7 th grader whose dream of being part of the cool crowd comes t...