What She Said: The Art of Pauline Kael
The demise of the professional film critic was lauded by most casual movie fans as something long overdue. After all, no one wants to hear some failed artist tearing apart their favorite writer, director, star or franchise. There’s some strange sort of fan propriety than reacts to any criticism with almost parental violence. Of course, the criticism hasn’t stopped, it’s only become increasingly fragmented…and increasingly uneducated. The studios finally have exactly what they want: an audience whose opinions can be manipulated with a trending social media post or empty-headed influencer. Who knew the democratization of film criticism would have us pining for the days of Pauline Kael. Who is Pauline Kael? Well, if Siskel & Ebert were the curmudgeonly uncles stuck in the balcony tossing off well-intentioned insults, Kael was the aunt whose cutting remark or unexpected praise were the talk of family reunions ...