The Guyver
The Guyver (1991), although based on an original manga character, certainly owes it existence onscreen to the success of the first live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie released the year prior. Produced by Brian Yuzna who brings along a slew of familiar names from his previous films and co-directed by effects veterans Screaming Mad George and Steve Wang, this is a movie meant to make an impression on undiscriminating kids. Of course, almost every kid is undiscriminating (how else do you explain dinosaur chicken nuggets?) and The Guyver hits them with a one-two punch of slimy superhero action and corny jokes that tastes terrific with a side of ranch. Accidently bonding with the alien space armor his girlfriend’s dad smuggled out of a top-secret lab, Sean inherits the kung-fu skills he always wanted along with cosmic invulnerability and some high-tech weaponry. But the evil Zoalord (David Gale) and his hen...